THe Isles, The story so far

Two strands, one ocean-related, one farm.

The first is being developed in collaboration with Ocean Ambassadors. On their behalf, we’ve created a Primary School online marine curriculum (in part, a response to the enforced closure of schools during the C-19 pandemic). If you’d like to learn more, or get eyes on it, get in touch!

In the meantime, here’s a sample video from the course:

This the introductory video to a six-part online marine curriculum, offered by Ocean Ambassadors.

The second project we’re supporting is a farm diversification and re-wilding initiative in East Anglia.

Our work is guided by questions such as:

Can the land serve our communities again—human, insect and wider ecological kinds?
What skills are necessary to make that happen?
What art forms emerge from investing oneself in the earth?
What wants to grow?

Plans are currently being developed and we’ll soon have opportunities to learn, experience and explore ecological farming and re-wilding at its most creative.

Sign up here to stay abreast of all future opportunities.

Hemp, calling.

Hemp, calling.

- calling 2018 - Staverton, Suffolk © Perienne Christian

- calling 2018 - Staverton, Suffolk © Perienne Christian