These are some of the people I am currently collaborating with..
Jay Simpson
Jay Simpson, a National Geographic Young Explorer and digital storyteller trained in anthropology, collaborates with experts and practitioners facing social challenges to utilise multimedia storytelling as an intervention tool to encourage behaviour change.
He has created multimedia projects and awareness materials related to human-wildlife conflict, mountain and habitat conservation, HIV/AIDS, women’s rights, urban issues, and more with local communities, experts, and non-profits across four continents.
Zayaan Khan
Zayaan Khan is from Cape Town and works in understanding nuances within food systems by navigating land from an interdisciplinary perspective. Firmly rooted in a socio-political context, she works at unhinging our dependence on neoliberal consumption.
Currently she is interested in Food through the lens of Art, specifically to find ways to share stories, both of struggle and solution and how this influences self-care.
Zayaan is currently completing a Masters within the Environmental Humanities at the University of Cape Town, her research entitled, ‘From seed-as-object to seed-as-relation’
Kinna Mosely
Kinna leads personal and group transformations with nature, drawing on her extensive working knowledge of plants, herbal medicine and alchemy, part of which derived from her time working with Weleda.
She is currently designing a re-wilding initiative/permaculture system for a farm in Suffolk while also working as a forest school leader. The original earth mother, right here!
Partnering Organisations
Some of the organisations I have/currently am partnering with..
Ocean Ambassadors brings together people who are passionate about the importance and continued well-being of our oceans.
I am writing an ocean related primary school curriculum for them, while exploring opportunities to initiate new experiential projects related to marine conservation.
SEEDS Iceland is an Icelandic non-governmental, non-profit volunteer organisation designed to promote intercultural understanding, environmental protection and awareness through work on environmental, social and cultural projects within Iceland.
The World Trails Network is an internationally representative body of the world’s leading trails and trail destinations. We are a globally active network of diverse, high quality, environmentally sustainable trails that work in our own regions to further the interests of the trails industry for the benefit of all. Aside from being a full member of the network, I am part of a media task team whose role is to put a Trails Film Festival at the next conference in Nepal, 2020.