Collaborators and Partnering organisations


These are some of the people I collaborate with, all of whom have their own beautiful, well-developed creative practices.

Jay Simpson

Jay Simpson

Jay Simpson, a National Geographic Young Explorer and digital storyteller trained in anthropology, collaborates with experts and practitioners facing social challenges to utilize multimedia storytelling as an intervention tool to encourage behavior change. He has created multimedia projects and awareness materials related to human-wildlife conflict, mountain and habitat conservation, HIV/AIDS, women’s rights, urban issues, and more with local communities, experts, and non-profits across four continents.



Zayaan Khan

socio-political artist, consultant, writer and researcher with focus on food/systems and seed

South Africa


Kinna Mosley

Transformations with nature. Permaculture design for farms, land, gardens and people. Forest Schools, herbal medicine & alchemy

British Isles


Jess Tyrrell

mountain, river and wild-game guide; facilitator focusing on traditional medicine, rites of passage and nature-based mentoring

South Africa & Namibia


Peter Robert Edward Tallbergström

life artist and designer of diversity, special interest in community, adventure, and magical stories



Greg Mosley

When above-ground—aborist and woodworker with an eye for the exquisite; when under—an explorer of hidden realms and silent spaces

British Isles