An incomplete, sometimes expanding, hopefully useful and inspiring list of resources..
The Metamorphosis of Plants, Goethe
The Forager's Handbook, Miles Irving
The Biology of Wonder, Andreas Weber
The Earth Has a Soul: C.G.Jung's Writings on Nature, Technology and Modern Life
Swamplands of the Soul, James Hollis
Branch from the Lightening Tree, Martin Shaw
On Trails, Robert Moor
The Living Mountain, Nan Shepherd
The Ecology of Wisdom: Arne Naess
Staying with the Trouble, Donna Haraway
Women Who Run With The Wolves, Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Affective Ecologies: Empathy, Emotion, and Environmental Narrative, Alexa Weik von Mossner
Border: A journey to the Edge of Europe, Kapka Kassabova
Walking Lab
Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology
Alliance for Wild Ethics
School of Storytelling
The Westcountry School of Myth
Dark Mountain Project
Apocalypse Pantry
Ecopsychology UK
ReWilding Europe
Natural Change
Blue Marine Foundation
Centre for Contemporary Art and the Natural World
Climate Cultures
MA in Ecology and Contemporary Performance (MAECP), Finland
The Centre for Sustainable Practices in the Arts
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, BA
Capacious Journal
The Whole Plant Research Project: Hemp
Sea Change Project
Ocean Ambassadors UK
Film & Audio
The Salt of the Earth, Sebastião Salgado
Down to Earth, Rolf Winters & Renata Heinen
Living the Change Film
Blue Planet 2, BBC
Rewilding Knepp Project, UK
The Story of the Weeping Camel, Tobias Siebert
Ága, Jay Weissberg
Sami Blood, Lars G. Lindström
Your Shell on Acid, Stacy Alaimo